Our ancestors understood the power and unexplainable magic that happens when women come together in ceremony during a full and new moon. Moon Gatherings, also known as women’s circles, have been celebrated throughout history.
I work with the cycles of the Moon and my Astrology to become the creator of my reality and aligned to my divine truth. I honour and work with the cycles of Mother Earth and am at one with her rhythms.
As Above So Below

With inequality present in today’s modern world, the rise of feminine energies has never been in such need. Now is the time for us to remember, to reclaim, to speak out, to stand in our truth, and be heard. We need to understand the power within ourselves and the modern-day practice of moon gatherings and rituals allows us to do that.
Join an incredible community of women to grow, shift and change in line with the moon and Mother Earth. Delivered in partnership with Trinity Breathwork, each woman in this community brings their own unique medicine through their experiences and wisdom.
Our Moon gatherings will be held once a month on the Friday closest to the New or Full Moon. Each month will be themed around the astrological alignments and intended to deepen your own sense of self and connection to your inner feminine energies. Workshops will run from 7.00 - 9.30pm and will be held at St Pauls Church in Denholme, West Yorkshire.
Included in these beautiful evenings could be any of the following: - teachings on astrology and a better understanding of how what's happening in the sky is affecting you. Earth altar creations, working with the elements, cacao ceremony, creative intention setting, visualisations, meditations and healing, breathwork, light language activations, story telling, breathwork, movement and much more.
Workshops are £33 each and should be booked ahead of the event to reserve your space.
The arrival of a New or Full Moon provides the gift of intuitive wisdom and allows us to more easily tap into our inner truth to receive guidance. It is a time for deep divination, quietness and looking after ourselves.
Moons provide the opportunity to plant the seeds of your future dreams and release anything that’s no longer serving. This lunar energy is ‘Yin’, which is closely associated with our feminine energies. When we come together in a Women’s Circle, we work with this energy, the cycles and season to set intentions and release.
The period before a New or Full Moon is a time to reconnect to our inner landscape and reflect on what we’d like to welcome into our next cycle.

Part of healing the wounded Feminine and reclaiming Feminine Wisdom is for the Women to reconnect, to come together as sisters with a common mission rather than stay isolated and reinforce divisiveness which dis-empowers us all and weakens our efforts.
Jane Hardwicke Collings, Women's Mysteries Teacher

When a gathering or ritual is scheduled we will publish the dates on our calendar so you can book online. To stay up to date with new events, you can sign up to our newsletter.