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Are you ready to be introduced to your Soul codes and blueprint through astrology, galactic origins and your soul records



Your Soul Essence & Blueprint


The time, date and location of your birth is chosen by you before you are born. The exact formation of the stars and planets provides a pattern, an energetic imprint for the lessons you are here to learn. The lens or perception you come with allows you to fulfill your purpose in this life.


The Akashic records holds all memories, emotions and experiences from this and all your previous lives. Everything you experience is uploaded to the quantum field. 


Your higher self is always sending you gentle messages to keep you on track and steer you towards your soul purpose, however we have to get used to listening and understanding the messages that are coming through. 


Your souls blueprint is a map of everything needed for this life, it shows where your lessons are, your areas of growth, where you shine, where your gifts are, where you have negative karma or healing to do. The list is endless. Working with your blueprint is a declaration of love to yourself, as you enter a relationship that is deeply rooted in trust, love and understanding. You begin to see how everything that's happening in your life is a teacher, a way for you to evolve and grow. You move away from being the victim of your life and into the co-creator, able to make your dreams come true.



Our Galactic History and Connection to the Stars 


We are all made of stardust, our connection to the cosmos is being scientifically strengthened and proven by the day. The way the planets and stars move around our skies is for most of us mesmerising. Our ancestors during ancient times knew the power and impact the rest of our solar system had on earth. And so worked with the cosmos to support the transitions. We feel these shifts on an individual level, influenced by the collective planetary shifts and how they impact our own unique energy blueprint. 


The Desire for Sacred Union 


We are at a time in history where we desire more balance and equilibrium. We have seen centuries of polarity and separation, which has caused weakness in our eco system. The masculine and feminine energies are needed in equal measures, both individually and collectively. As we heal this balance within we help to heal the collective. By getting to know and work with the evolution of our soul we play our part in contributing to the divine plan and become an active participant in our own lives. 

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I will be forever grateful  to Sarah after working with her for 12 months. After years of avoidance, distraction and depression, i found myself desperately searching for ways to cope and ultimately heal from a lifetime (or should i say lifetimes) of confusion. Fate decided my course when I cam across Sarah. I had finally found someone who held a safe space, offering unconditional love and support. She was able to guide me through the uncomfortableness, creating a safe space to open up and face myself for the first time. Sarah has helped me to find a deep sense of peace and provided me with the tools i need to support myself and my souls journey everyday  

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WOW! What a journey I have been on these last few months working with Sarah. It's been an amazing and insightful experience. Sarah is such a gifted healer and this session was profound for me in so many ways. For the first time in years I feel i have started to integrate my messages as Sarah described the amazing journey my soul had been on. It was emotional to learn so much about my soul in such a short space of time. I feel already that this deep and ancient wisdom Sarah retrieved is having a great impact on my life. This information empowers you to life your life in such alignment and truth. It's absolutely fascinating! Thank you Sarah for re-connecting me to my truth. 

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If you are on a path of self discovery I would highly recommend you are guided to Sarah's work. She is an excellent and intuitive healer with true wisdom. And compassion for the human condition is at the heart of everything she does. I felt safe throughout the entire process and received so much information which I refer back to often. I have guidance on how to use the information and integrate it into my life. As a holistic student practionar I have found the guidance on my life purpose invaluable. 

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What to Expect


When working with you I use a variety of tools, that I have used on my own journey as well as what I know has worked well for the other clients I’ve worked with.


Some of what could be covered in your reading:


  • Your birth chart, galactic chart, Life path number, soul purpose and lessons

  • Healing/seeking guidance in your Akashic Records on specific areas of your life e.g. karma, relationships, gifts, purpose, life lessons, blocks, negative programmes and attachments, trauma, past lives and chakra’s

  • Looking at your galactic history, star connections and astrology through your natal char


Readings are 75 minutes long, during which time we will connect with your birth chart and soul records.  This provides a deep insight into the individual at a soul level and provides a starting point for that individual's journey to remembering. 


Some of the ways in which you can heal and remember through this work


  • Create a map of ways you can work with your souls blueprint and towards your dharma

  • Uncover your gifts and where you are meant to shine in this life 

  • Find out your soul's history, where you initially incarnated, your purpose in this life, the lessons you are here to learn and what you are here to offer

  • Understand your galactic heritage and star family connections through many lifetimes 

  • Remember hidden gifts, missions and purpose through connecting with your cosmic family

  • Learn to work with your own natal chart and astrology to support your ongoing journey in this life

  • Heal physical, emotional and mental trauma from this lifetime and past lifetimes

  • Seek guidance on karmic patterns, blocks and cycles of behaviour that could be holding you back from what you desire in your life

  • Gain the clarity, wisdom and strength you need to move forward with making life decisions

  • Retrieve lost or fractured soul parts as a result of trauma

  • Remove negative entities, attachments and parasites

  • Clear ancestral trauma and cycles

  • Re-connect with your own essence and energy

  • Find inner peace, wellbeing and balance within your life

  • Find purpose and meaning and how to follow your dharma

  • Become the best version of yourself



Soul Blueprint Readings

Investment £222


1 X 75 minute soul blueprint reading


This an online session conducted via zoom. A recording of the reading will be sent via email following the call.


During these sessions we’re able to explore your soul’s birth chart, galactic origins and history before you came to Earth and journey through the cosmos. The map and blueprint you were provided at your time of birth has all the answers you are looking for when it comes to your growth and transformation. It can be deeply comforting and illuminating to discover your soul’s connection to different star systems, connections to your galactic family and ancestors and how that’s connected to challenges you are meant to overcome in this life, your multi-dimensional gifts and your soul mission.


This reading is perfect if


  • You are seeking your divine mission to be in service 

  • You want to understand and work with your soul blueprint and astrology chart 

  • You want to uncover your souls gifts across multiple lifetimes 

  • You wish to create inner union through balancing your masculine and feminine energies 

  • You are ready to step up and into your authentic expression

  • You seek deeper meaning and purpose 

  • You want to clear or work through blocks that are holding you back

  • You feel a deeper calling but you don't know what it is

  • You want to be a leader of light but don't know where to start

  • You want to live a soul led life but don't know how

  • You can feel things shifting in your life and need support in seeing the lessons that are occurring

  • You need support in identifying and clearing self limiting beliefs and thought patterns 

  • You want a deeper sense of embodiment and truth

  • You wish to become an active participant in your growth and transformation 

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93% Stardust 

We have calcium in our bones, iron in our veins 

carbon in our souls and nitrogen in our brains.

93% stardust, with souls made of flames 

We are all just stars that have people names. 

Nakita Gill

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