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Forgotten Dreams is a four-week online Lunar Cycles course, designed by School of Forgotten Wisdom to help you learn more about your own menstrual cycle and the rites of passages you go through as a woman. Gaining a deeper understanding of your natural cycles both during your lifetime and on a monthly basis will help you to feel a deeper connection to yourself your body and nature. 





Are you intrigued to learn more about your inner rhythms and cycles as a woman? Did you know that your menstrual cycle works alongside the cycles of the moon and the seasons of Nature. From birth to the day our soul leaves the body, we journey through different stages of growth and development, experienced as archetypal energies. The Maiden, Mother, Maga, and Crone – each representing a season and portal that we go through and experience as women. Each stage unveils different parts of our true nature that we are asked to fully accept and embrace. 




Today we are sadly at the mercy of years of cultural conditioning and patriarchal ways, which has disempowered and belittled women for their true nature. We face shame and criticism around our bodies and our blood. We've been told to ‘stop being sensitive, erratic and emotional’. Our intuitive gifts have been shunned and not honoured due to the left brain logical environment we find ourselves in. Our feelings and emotions are our super power, they are a deep inner feeling that we just have within our bones and body and should be revered. They are the energy that carries us through birth, to raise our children and to nurture those around us. 


Thousands of years ago, women were able to heal their communities through intuition, local plants, herbs and potions made from the earth. Their wisdom and intuition was their greatest gift. How have we lost this connection as women? Have we forgotten the very essence of who we are?



As cyclical beings, every week of the month feels different.  We are ever-changing, day and night, moment to moment our emotions are up and down, our weight fluctuates and our moods change like the wind. Our very nature is that of water – flowing, changing, moving. Yet we have been taught to carry on, to push through and ignore the messages of our our bodies. Over time this leads to energy imbalances  and an erosion of the nervous system. We feel deflated and lack motivation and energy.

By tapping into this wisdom we have the opportunity to come home to ourselves, to understand how our body is impacted by these changes and to know ourselves like no other. To work with the natural rhythms of the body rather than against them and to stand strong within the strength of our own inner truth. When we begin to honour the body as a sacred temple, we can shine our light and be proud of all that we represent 
I invite you to join me on this online 4-week journey to transition through each stage of your menstrual cycle, each season, each archetype and each stage of the moon as a woman. 


You will get to know the deeper dimensions of yourself, work through and honour the ebbs and flows that make you who you are, and learn how to work with your own inner rhythms and the overall rhythms of earth.



This online course can be started at any time, once you make payment you will be given access to the course via an online learning portal. You then choose the next Follicular (spring time) of your menstrual cycle to start the modules. Once purchased you can journey as many times as you wish. The Lunar Cycles Course costs £79.20.


Each module will include: 

  • Altar suggestions for your journey 

  •  4 x pre-recorded sessions on each stage of the menstrual cycle, female archetype, moon phase and season

  • Tips on eating, working and exercising aligned to your menstrual cycle 

  • Creative writing exercises to connect with your inner feminine energies 

  • Guided rituals and tools for you to introduce and stay connected to following completion of this course, ensuring they become a new way of life

  • Full Moon and New Moon rituals to create, manifest and release

  • Mystical stories and crafts to allow you to indulge in the inner witch and mystical parts of yourself 

  • Weekly reflective journal questions and inner exploration 



  • A closer connection and respect for your cyclical nature as a women 

  • A deeper understanding of your menstrual cycle and how you fluctuate during the month

  • A spiritual understanding and connection to your body 

  • A deeper understanding of your own cycles both during your lifetime and on a monthly basis

  • Ways to tap into your innate wisdom as a woman and trust your gifts 

  • Ways to continue to strengthen your intuition and work with your feminine essence through love and acceptance

  • A foundation of rituals and guidance to always return to whenever you feel called to

  • A community of like-minded sisters to connect with, lean on and learn from at any time

  • Become an active participant in the creation of your own life by learning and working with the cycles of the moon by following new and full moon rituals

This is a deeper connection and understanding of your own feminine energies! Every woman should know this sacred knowledge as her birth rite, not just for ourselves but for our daughters and their daughters. It's time the honhouring of our blood and true nature as a feminine being is remembered! 

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